Thursday, January 24, 2008

Entrepreneurial Thinking

Me: solves all our [survey] problems

J: That's what we need ... a problem solver

Me: I need someone to do my research. That's what I need

J: Go to ;-)

Me: We need
At first, I thought: "$1,000,000 idea!" Then I did a rudimentary market analysis:
target population demand = high (depressed phd students)
target population size = low (phd students)
overall demand = low (depressed phd students)

spending capacity of target population = low (graduate stipend)

market viability = laughably low
Nope. Better stick to my day job.


Blogger Unknown said...

Actually I read in a big expose piece that there's an established market for people who will do your research and write your thesis. Apparently a few 10s of thousands of dollars will get you a PhD level specialist who does this full time. What I don't understand is how you find a supervisor who is clueless enough to fall for it.

January 28, 2008 at 1:43 a.m.  

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