Wednesday, January 04, 2006

Experiences at Government Offices

Government offices, regardless of what issue they handle, the clientele they serve, always remind me of the strict Soup Nazi protocol.
  • "Take your number here."
  • "Sit here."
  • "Wait for your number to be called out. If you miss your number, get a new one and start over."
  • "Fill out your forms correctly. If not, you will be either, (a) ridiculed by the person handling your case, and/or (b) sent back to the back of the line in utter disgrace, and/or (c) have your existing forms shreded so that you will have to fill out a new set."
You'd think I'm kidding about the last one there, but the Passport Office has an application that has a ridiculously small, but strict box for your signature. If your signature goes outside, you're hosed, and have to start over again. They are good enough to include extremely dire warnings (in italics) that all hell will break loose if you miss the box or go outside the box with your signature. This only serves, I think, to make the form-filler nervous.

For instance, I was so nervous signing my name, my signature didn't look real the first time (too many squigglies from my nervous shivering), and I went outside the box twice. Believe me, the gas companies were pleased with that, since I had to drive back to the passport office three times to pick up new forms.


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