Tuesday, February 21, 2006

Be Careful When "Making Conversation"

Often, if someone says, "Man! Look at how [x] this [y] is!" ([x] being some adjective, [y] being some noun), it can be appropriate to respond, "Right on -- you like [x] [y]s?" For example: replace [x] with tasty and [y] with soup, or [x] with big and [y] with monitor, or [x] with buttery and [y] with popcorn. It all works, and it's a great way of making conversation.

The problem is that with human languages, these rules of "making conversation" do not always hold. Case in point, today at around 2:00pm.
M (a female colleague): Man! Look at how big and heavy this banana is! (holds out banana for me to hold)
Sadly, in my fatigued-from-watching-Olympics-24h-a-day state, I indeed responded:
T (grabs banana absently): Right on -- you like big bananas, too?


Blogger tangaroo said...

My exact train of thought was something like this: "Why is she looking at me like that? Maybe she is lewd.... Or, maybe I was lewd. OOOOH."

February 22, 2006 at 11:22 a.m.  

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